Monday, June 05, 2006

Amy's move to a 'big girl bed'...

I thought I'd share this little experience with you....

When we go on holiday in the summer, Amy will be too big for the travel cot, and will have no choice but to sleep in a bed. I therefore decided that I should get her moved to a bed at home. She has a cotbed, so I assumed it would be a simple enough transition for her.... wrong! lol

On a Friday evening, I had to take Beth to her nans to stay, so I took Amy for the ride. I informed hubby that this would give him time to get the bed ready. All he had to do was to remove the sides, and change one end piece, so it should be simple enough.

However, when we arrived back, he was still half way through. Amy toddled up the stairs, saw her cot in pieces, and informed me 'Daddy broke it'. I tried to distract her, but this idea carried on all evening.. daddy had broke her bed!

So, along came bedtime.. and the new bed was greeted with tears, and howls of dismay! We had to bring her down for a while, and at 10pm, Glen eventually settled her.

From there, things were fine.. no night time waking, and no falling out!

The same thing happened the next few nights.. she was most distraught when faced with bedtime, but eventually went off to sleep, and slept right through.

Finally, on Wednesday night, we seemed to have a breakthrough. Although she had fallen asleep over her night time drink, as I put her in bed, she opened her eyes, said 'goodnight mummy' and fell asleep. Then... she made up for it! Awake and crying 3 times in the night! Argh! And we had more or less the same thing on Thursday night.

I had kept the same blankets on the bed, hoping it would help the transition, but a few people suggested we try something different. So, I dug out our thinnest duvet, and a Tweenies duvet cover that Beth had had. We made a big thing about how nice it was having a 'Tweenie bed', and when I got in it at one point, Amy said 'no mummy, Amy's bed'.

And yes.. it has worked! She's back to being really good at bedtime, and she's back to sleeping through the night! :)

Now, if only I can stop Bethany crying in the middle of the night, because she's having some sort of nightmare.. that she has no recollection of the next day! :(


Blogger Cinthia Hamer said...

Bad dreams are one of those things that make a parent feel absolutely helpless. You can kiss a scrape or bruise and make it feel better, soothe them when something frightens them during the day, and show them there's no reason to be afraid.

But they still haven't perfected the ability for parents to guarantee sweet dreams for their kids.

glad Amy's adapting to her new bed, though!

6 June 2006 at 14:16  

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