Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Book snobbery?

Here we go again - according to a member of my book forum, if you like The DaVinci Code, you don't appreciate 'well written' books.. or words to that effect.

I can't properly describe the tone of certain posts, so the thread is here, if anyone is interested in reading.

This one book seems to have raised the old issues of 'book snobbery' - I keep coming across people who believe that if you're an intelligent person, you don't waste your time reading thrillers, horrors etc. It seems that reading books by authors that most people haven't heard of is a sign of how clever you are. In fact, it's an attitude that's actually quite insulting.

Personally, I read for enjoyment, and I choose books that interest me. If that happens to be a thriller, then so be it. I don't believe it's a measure of my intelligence.


Blogger The Book Fiend said...

I rather liked The Da Vinci Code. It's never giong to be one of my favourite books ni the world, but it was a decent enough read & I'd never think any less of anyone for loving it - we all have different tastes, after all - it'd be a dull world if we didn't!

I count myelf as quite widely read & am open to all kinds of different books from many different genres. I noticed this paticular member also had a go at adults reading "kids books" which also seemed a bit snobbish to me. I know children's books aren't to everyone's taste, but why think less of a person because they DO like them?

26 May 2006 at 15:48  
Blogger Clare said...

Hmmm thats not nice at all I haven't read it yet but, I have it on my ever expanding TBR list.

30 May 2006 at 16:13  

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