Saturday, March 04, 2006


A few random bits from me today...

Firstly, when are the Oscars going to be over?! I can't turn off the radio without hearing these DJs and reporters who have 'popped over' just to fill us in on what's going on. And.. I haven't even heard the films mentioned, it's all about the celebs and money.

And what's with the 'goodie bags'?? The celebs attending already have plenty plenty of money, and yet they're being given bags full of holidays, gadgets etc, worth thousands. Here's an idea.. each celeb can suggest their favourite charity, and they can be given a few thousand dollars instead!

My second rant.. I took Beth to Dartford today, so my friend could take her to a party. A journey that should take 10-15 minutes took me an hour! Stupid roadworks.. I've just about had enough of them!

Ok, enough ranting!

We saw a good friend today.. he's been under alot of stress, and keeping to himself, but things are working out nicely now, and he's back to his old self. :) He also came laden with gifts for the girls, as he missed Christmas, and their last birthdays. That put a smile on their faces!

Tomorrow my littlest baby is 2.. where did those 2 years go?! We have grandparents and godparents coming for a little party.. it should be nice. :)


Blogger Cinthia Hamer said...

Hey there--

Glad you got through all the birthday you have a whole year to gird your loins for the next go round! LOL!

7 March 2006 at 20:46  

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