Thursday, July 13, 2006

Memories of Dreamland

During my younger years, many of our summer holidays on the coast included a trip to Dreamland in Margate, and as a child, it was a very exciting event. I recall being excited the moment I saw the Big Wheel from the car-park (even though I never went on it), and later looking up in awe at the Scenic Railway, Looping Star and Big Dipper.

I remember going on the Big Dipper (very tall water chute) with my mum, going in the 'Tubs' with my grandad, and deciding against the Scenic Railway because it looked just a little too scary!

Other than that, specific memories are hazy. I just recall a large amusement park with was great fun for us all, and a trip to eagerly await!

A few years ago, I returned with my own child, and was in shock at what I saw. Of course, in our childhood memories, everything looks bigger, but the park I was faced with was nothing like my memories. It was actually a really sad experience.

Coming home, I chatted to my mum, and discovered a site about saving the park. It explains that it had in fact dwindled to almost nothing, was in a bad state, and was faced with closure. The park attracts attention, however, because it houses the Grade II listed Scenic Railway roller coaster, the oldest operating roller coaster in the country and Britain's first listed amusement park ride.

I know that this park is now eclipsed by many theme parks in the UK, and will never compete. But I strongly feel it has a future, and I wish the campaign much success. Many families still visit the Kent coast, for holidays or day trips, and with the great sandy beaches on offer, a nice family amusement park would be a great attraction.

How about you, do you have any childhood memories that have been a wildly different experience as an adult?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My memeories which make me rethink are things like seeing the school hall that appeared so enormous when you were at school but now is just a lrage room!

18 July 2006 at 10:39  

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