Saturday, July 14, 2007

Grammar - it's & its

Here's an interesting discussion that's cropped up in the book forum...

I always understood that it's was used instead of it is, but also when talking about possession, such as the cat licks it's fur.

However, Bethany is being taught that the possesive is its, and it's is only used as a contraction. A quick web search seems to back this up.

Then again, in Eats, Shoots & Leaves, she has it's as a possessive.



Blogger Michelle said...

Just to comment on my own post (well, no one else does! hehe) I was getting confused that because its for possession didn't have the ' then something like the cat's bowl should also nothave a '. I now believe it should, because it's something like the cat his bowl so it's a contraction.

I think I need to go backto school!

Well.. I'm a reader, not a writer! LOL

19 July 2007 at 15:46  

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