Thursday, January 04, 2007

Spammers - again!

These 'people' are starting to make my blood boil! They're everywhere, and they're getting harder to avoid. I get a ridiculous amount of spam in my email, but I've found ways to deal with that.. it still bugs me, but it's dealt with.

Blogger is the same.. I had to delete a previous blog because it got completely overrun with spam comments one night. With this one, I've learnt to turn on moderation. Then if they do spam, I can simply reject it.

My biggest battles, however, are on my forums. I had to search for modifications for my phpBB boards.. it makes registration a tad more complicated for members, but it has stopped those bots in their tracks.

'Bots?' I hear you ask? This is automated software that allows spammers to join a countless number of forums, post their rubbish, and even send PMs (Private Messages) to all members. Yes, people actually make and sell software to do this.. scum, that's what they are! (Grr!)

On my book forum, I've also found a way to stop the bots.. the software is now clever enough to bypass the inbuilt security, so other ways need to be added.

However.. what we can't stop are people who physically sit at their computers, and join up.. they can see the extra measures, just as any genuine person can, so in they get.

Again, on my book forum, I've made changes, and new members have limited privileges, including a block on sending PM.. and I'm now very grateful for this. The other night, someone decided to join the forum, and post very explicit photos. We chased after them, and they were deleted and banned very quickly. But, without those limited privileges, my poor members may have all found these images in their PM inbox.

I have to hope that I never come face to face with one of these 'people', because I won;t be held responsible for my actions!!


Blogger The Book Fiend said...

Yes, it was a nightmare - it didn't help that they waited till late at night when there would be fewer people (i.e. Mods) around, so being tired already on top of it all didn't help. You did the right thing, though, with the tightened security, & hopefully they won't get in again. But if they do, we'll be ready! It's war on the spammers!

4 January 2007 at 22:31  

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