Monday, August 21, 2006

2006 Holiday

Yep, this was how the girls were dressed the first night of our holidays! It was wet, windy, and cold.. in the middle of August!

This is how the girls started off, behaving beautifully, and reading before bed. However, Amy didn't like the sound of the wind and rain, and Beth was soon complaining she couldn't get to sleep because of Amy talking too much! So Beth moved in with Daddy, and I settled in with Amy.

This was in the play area in the caravan park.. Amy really has no fear, and was soon climbing up everything she could find. It took Beth years to get that brave! lol

Mid week the weather became much nicer, and on Tuesday we went to Hastings for the day. I took Beth up the cliff lift, and we visited the castle, and the Smugglers Caves.

Then back at the sea front, Beth surprised me by wanting to go on the kiddies roller coaster by herself! And she came off with a smile on her face! lol That's her in the pink cardigan.

The next day we all went on the 'Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway'. It has a little station in the caravan park, and so Amy was very excited about finally going on it. However, about halfway along, the movement sent her to sleep! She'll make a great commuter! hehe

Dymchurch is a lovely place for kids.. there are outdoor rides, an indoor play area, amusements, and a lovely beach, complete with donkeys! I recall Beth being quite nervous of these last year, but once again, Amy's response was quite the opposite. In fact she started laughing when they first set off!

On Thursday night, the clubhouse had a 'pirates' theme night, so when we shopping in Folkestone, we had to hit the charity shops and the market to see what we could find. One waistcoat and bandana later, we were all fixed!

The kids entertainers did face painting for them. Beth became a 'princess pirate'.

And for Amy, they said she needed something cute!

Has anyone else been away this summer? Dd you get better weather then us?!


Blogger The Book Fiend said...

I've taken a while to getting round to commenting on this - LOL! The girls look so cute in their fancy dress costumes & look like they had a whale of a time.

And don't worry - we had terrible weather up here in Aberdeen too!

26 August 2006 at 18:54  

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