Sunday, April 16, 2006


My least favourite sound right now! Earlier in the night it was Louis's miow mixed in with Hannah's swearing each time they met. Then it was on and off during the night. Since about 5:30 this morning, it's been almost constant! I've had to get up and direct him downstairs, so everyone else can sleep a bit more.. but it's still happening.

Maybe after his good start he's now missing his family.. maybe he's just a noisy cat.. or maybe I'm missing something? Whatever, I'm now sitting here with a cuppa, about to search the internet for ideas!

Oh, it appears that he's a 'pillow cat'.. and as he got hissed at in our bedroom, he decided Bethany's would be a good place to go. He kept getting on her pillow.. and she kept coming into us, to say she couldn't get him off! In the end, we swapped. So I spent the night in my daughter's bed, with only a miowing cat for company!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mich, Whiskey is a "pillow cat" as well - sometimes I actually put my head on him and he does not budge!!

17 April 2006 at 17:20  

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