Thursday, April 13, 2006

Trip to the Natural History Museum

Being determined not to sit around for the whole of the Easter break, I sat down Tuesday night, looking for somewhere to take the girls for the day. After having a heart attack about some of the entrance prices, I discovered that London's 2 main museums were free. Also, as our weather hasn't been too reliable, indoors sounded good to me!

So on Wednesday morning, we got up, got ready, and set off on the train as soon as the off-peak prices kicked in! Amy looked a little unsure at first, but soon settled into the ride, and both of them seemed to enjoy their first experience of the underground!

When we arrived at the museum, we were greeted by a beautiful building. You can read more about it here. After a short queue, and a bag search, we were in! Bethany was looking forward to the dinosaurs, and once I saw that a queue was forming for that, I decided that we should head straight for that. Later in the day, I was glad I did!

They have a large moving T-Rex in the middle of the exhibition, and it's pretty lifelike.. although not as big as I expected. I was a bit concerned about Amy being scared, but she just sat in her pushchair, roaring back at it!

Other than the dinosaurs, we saw the blue whale (the one thing I remember from 'my' childhood visit), the 'creepy crawlie' gallery, and the primates. By the time we reached the 'Human Biology' gallery, Amy was snoozing in her pushchair, so Beth and I were able to spend some time playing with exhibitions, and doing some learning. :)

All in all, it was a great day out.. although I haven't done that much walking for a long time!


Blogger The Book Fiend said...

Sounds like it was a wonderful day. I was amazed at the entrance prices of some places in London when we were last there in October last year. in the end we never did go into Madame Tussauds once we clocked the ludicrous price to get in there!

Wish we'd gone to the museums though...

15 April 2006 at 10:22  

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